20619 Highway 7
Maberly ON K0H 2B0
613-268-2004 |

To make an enquiry about a booking or to find out more about us, you can call us at 613-268-2004 or email us using the form at the bottom of this page.

OPENING HOURS (by appointment only during these hours)

8:00 – 11:00 am

4:00 – 7:00 pm

Closed all day on Wednesday

Closed Saturday after 11:00 am

Please note: We are closed on the Sunday of statutory long weekends and December 24 – 27.



We are located at 20619 Highway 7. Google Map and GPS systems do not always get you here. Please note and follow the directions below.

Westbound Directions from Ottawa-Way

Take Highway 7 west towards Perth. We are some 15 minutes west of that town. Go past Old Brooke Road on your left and Doran Road on your right. Look for our rural mailbox on your right with an image of an orange cat. Near the entrance, a small blue and white marker indicates “20619” – our address on Highway 7.

Because it is a highway, if there are cars coming from ahead or behind, it is much safer to pull over onto the right shoulder and wait until they’ve gone.

Turn left or south into our quarter-mile laneway. You will arrive at a compound with a large barn on the north end, two cat cottages on the east side, and a residential house on the west side. Please start your visit at the cat cottages for service.

Note: If while on Highway 7 you pass McGowan Lake or the Fall River Restaurant, you have gone too far west.

Eastbound Directions from Kingston-Way

From Kingston, take Highway 38 north up to Highway 7, and then head east towards Perth. You will pass the Fall River Restaurant on your left and then McGowan Lake on your right. Look for our rural mailbox on your left with an image of an orange cat. Near the entrance, a small blue and white marker indicates “20619” – our address on Highway 7.

Turn right or south into our quarter-mile laneway. After proceeding on our laneway, you will arrive at a compound with a large barn on the north end, two cat cottages on the east side, and a residential house on the west side. Please start your visit at the cat cottages for service.